Tuesday, September 17, 2013

High-Tech Museums - Create and Interact with A Virtual World

Virtual reality gaming, interactive surface technologies, and multi-dimensional theaters are among the exciting offerings in state-of-the-art museums.

Soaring through the sky as a pre-historic dragonfly, engaging in a full-body virtual basketball game, and reporting "live" from the White House – state-of-the-art technology is enabling highly interactive, immersive experiences for museum goers worldwide.

Whether it's integrating gesture-recognition social software, creating 3D experiences, or constantly updating exhibits with real-time information, museums are evolving into new entities.

"We're seeing phenomenal change in technology that allows us to create and interact with a virtual world, as well as new ways to provide connectivity to the real world. Museums are rapidly transforming from isolated destinations for visitors into centers within interactive and distributed learning networks," says David Greenbaum.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gesture recognition and control is a logical evolution in gaming

Gesture recognition and control is a logical evolution in gaming. Our technology has been thrilling and entertaining users in public and private installations around the world since well before the movie Minority Report popularized the concept of gesture control. This offering opens doors to unlimited applications in the gaming experience.

Xbox Live Vision camera support is deeply integrated into the Xbox 360 operating system and Dashboard, making every Xbox 360 console owner a potential customer for the camera and camera-enabled games. The gesture based control appeals to a wide range of audiences, from the most casual to the hardcore gamer.

"The fusion technology and the Xbox 360 will enhance the entertainment and gaming experience for our customers," said Aaron Greenberg, group product manager, Microsoft. "As the Xbox 360 camera offering enables a more immersive and integrated gaming experience, gesture control will further redefine entertainment."

Gesture control technology will add a dimension to gaming never before experienced. Imagine logging into Xbox Live and sitting down at a virtual table to play poker with immersed players from all corners of the world. Imagine standing in your living room as you snowboard down a mountain, where leaning right and left lets you cut across the slopes, and springing upward guides you over jumps. Camera enabled gaming combined with motion control technology is endless in application, whether it is a game of volleyball, playing along with the music on virtual instruments, fly fishing, shooting hoops, goal tending, dodging bullets, or even fighting ninja's; the game controller is the gamers own body. Please view more about system: http://richtechsystem.com/